Unfortunately, these foods masquerade as health foods based on the most common nutritional guidelines. The three culprits are granola, bread, and whole grain pasta. Grain is the common element in each of these dietary staples. Many people start their day with a cereal consisting of various grains or they have whole grain bread as part of their lunch sandwich. All the while, people think they are eating a healthy meal.
However what most don’t realize is that these grains are creating havoc in their intestines and on their immune system. Grains are extremely inflammatory. They evolved to avoid digestion by animals. Grains evolved to go through the digestive tract undigested and be excreted out so they can colonize a new area. These plants achieve this by releasing toxic anti-nutrients in our bodies. Three of these toxins include lectin, gluten and phylates. We won’t go into the bio chemical details of each here, but just be aware that they are a huge cause of inflammation in the gut which could also lead to auto immune issues.
So when you’re starting your day with a big bowl of “healthy” granola and then having that whole wheat or whole-grain bread sandwich at lunch- you are actually putting a lot of stress on your body. I have seen countless people improve their health simply by removing grains from their diet. If you’re not sure why you’re feeling so tired and inflamed, maybe it’s time to do a two-week trial elimination of grains and see how you feel.
You may be happily surprised.